New website design, same editing!

It’s been ten years since The Threepenny Editor got a makeover. In that time, the business has grown. I’ve worked with hundreds of authors since 2010, gotten an MFA in fiction, gotten married, written novels and stories, and added to the expertise I offer each and every writer. Now was the time to freshen up this site’s look and feel to reflect the up-to-date, responsive service you get from me.

I’m not going to lie: 2020 has been a hard year so far, and it feels pivotal to our lives and world in many ways. The pandemic gave me time to implement changes I’d been planning since last fall. I put on the many hats that every business owner must wear, from web designer to marketing strategist to just-breathe-through-it meditation guru. As we navigate uncertain times, I want to keep helping you find the best way to express your vision of the world and our future.

Since 2002, I’ve been honored to work with such creative, hardworking, resilient clients. Send me a note anytime to tell me your good news, your struggles, your pet stories, or your writing needs, or just to share a book you read and loved.

And of course, if you’ve been able to finish a project lately, let us know. My co-editor, Janice Obuchowski, and our small team of freelance designers are proud to help your good ideas make a great impression.



Sarah Cypher, founder and principal

Sarah Cypher, founder and principal

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